Planning to move to Hugo static site generator. Just figuring out the process to deploy a static site, gotta get the links and paths all sorted. Here's the progress.
I haven't done anything extra for the class except open up packet tracer and add a switch. It had an on-screen or text-to-speech reader enabled in CLI mode when I clicked on the switch(es). So I'll share how to enable/disable that option in case you all have the same issue. It's just a simple click, but more documentation is better than no documentation.
This page will be a place for notes during my CCNA course.
To get packet tracer working on m1 MacBook Air, install packet tracer then run:
sudo chmod 777 /Applications/Cisco\ Packet\ Tracer\ 8.2.0/Cisco\ Packet\ Tracer\ 8.2.app/Contents/Frameworks/libssl.dylib
sudo chmod 777 /Applications/Cisco\ Packet\ Tracer\ 8.2.0/Cisco\ Packet\ Tracer\ 8.2.app/Contents/Frameworks/libcrypto.1.1.dylib
I also plan to keep a small blog and use the static site generator: Hugo